Інформація про бренд
The Beobase family of compounds offer a total solution for a new generation of bio-based materials with a matching look and feel. Beobase compounds are obtained by adding bio-based fibres to a fossil polymer or by replacing fossil-based polymers with bio-based ones. Fillers include wood or other fibrous plant material.
Виробники: BeologicГрупа полімерів: PEГрупа/тип(и) полімерів: PE(unspecified) • ASA • PP • PP Compounds
Доступно в
Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenija, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Kosovo, Kazakhstan.
Beobase продукти
Вміст вторинної сировини
Група і тип полімеруPP (PP)
Наповнювач25% Wood Fiber
ОсобливостіFood Contact Acceptable • Stiffness, High