
Інформація про бренд

MARFRAN materials comply with the stringent requirements of the industry. Thanks to a careful selection of raw materials, controlled processes, dedicated staff and a productive environment constantly checked and validated, the MARFRAN.MED products represent a high-performance choice, from the semi-finished device to the finished product.

Виробники: MarfranГрупа полімерів: TPEГрупа/тип(и) полімерів: TPE(unspecified)

Доступно в

Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Kosovo, Kazakhstan.

Marfran.MED продукти

1 товарів, знайдених на Marfran.MED
Вміст вторинної сировини
Група і тип полімеруTPE (TPE(unspecified))
НаповнювачНе заповнено
ОсобливостіBiocompatible • Clarity, High • Sterilizabile • Sterilizable, Ethylene Oxide • Sterilizable, Radiation


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