
Інформація про бренд

Styroflex is a styrene-butadiene block copolymer (SBC) with the properties of a thermoplastic elastomer (S-TPE),
suitable for extrusion (including both blown and cast film) and injection molding. Characterized by a combination of high resilience and toughness,
optical clarity and process stability Styroflex offers as well a good printability and good adhesion to many different polymers.
In film applications, Styroflex provides excellent stretch recovery, superior transparency and puncture resistance, high oxygen and moisture permeability.
It is also employed as a high performance additive to increase toughness and e.g. the stress cracking resistance of styrenic and olefinic polymers.

Key Applications
Flexible films
Medical tubes
Stretch hoods
Impact-modified compounds

Виробники: INEOS StyrolutionГрупа полімерів: SBCГрупа/тип(и) полімерів: SBC

Доступно в

Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenija, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Turkey, Kosovo, Kazakhstan.

Styroflex продукти

3 товарів, знайдених на Styroflex
Вміст вторинної сировини
Група і тип полімеруSBC (SBC)
НаповнювачНе заповнено
ОсобливостіFlow, High • Elongation, High • Clarity, High • Thermal Stability, Good • Toughness, High • Processing Stability, Good • Resilient • Block Copolymer
Вміст вторинної сировини
Група і тип полімеруSBC (SBC)
НаповнювачНе заповнено
ОсобливостіTransparent • Block Copolymer • Weldable • Clarity, High • Soft
Вміст вторинної сировини
Група і тип полімеруSBC (SBC)
НаповнювачНе заповнено
ОсобливостіBlock Copolymer • Printability, Good • Clarity, High • Elongation, High • Puncture Resistant • Resilient


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