Hostalen ACP 5331 H

O tem materialu

Hostalen ACP 5331 H is a state of the art HDPE resin, produced by latest Hostalen ACP technology.

Hostalen ACP 5331 H is easy processable on injection moulding and compression moulding equipment.

Exceptional organoleptic properties and a good balance of stiffness, toughness and environmental stress cracking resistance make Hostalen ACP 5331 H the choice of customers for the production of closures for sparkling water, CSD and many other types of food and nonfood caps and closures as well as tube shoulders.

Blagovna znamka: HostalenProizvajalec: LYB LyondellBasellTip polimera: HDPEPolnilo: Brez polnilaOblika: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified


Density, High
ESCR (Stress Crack Resist.), Good
Organoleptic Properties, Good
Processability, Good
Stiffness, High
Toughness, High




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Fast response
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Prilagojene ceneZahtevajte cene, ki ustrezajo vašim potrebam po materialu
Popolna vidljivost vaših naročilPreverite napredek naročil in hitro prenesite dokumentacijo o dostavi

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