Orevac 18341

O tomto výrobku

OREVAC® 18341 is a maleic anhydride grafted linear low-density polyethylene.

  • OREVAC® 18341 has been designed to develop a reliable bonding strength between polyethylene or ethylene copolymers and mineral fillers such as aluminum trihydrate (ATH) or magnesium hydroxide (MDH). It is an effective coupling agent for halogen-free flame retardant compounds using high loadings of mineral fillers, such as compounds for insulation and sheathing of wires and cables.

  • OREVAC® 18341 can also be used as a tie layer in pipe-coating technology for multi-layer structures. It has been designed to develop a reliable bonding strength onto FBE (Fusion Bonded Epoxy) steel pipe protective layer

  • In packaging market, OREVAC® 18341 develops a reliable bonding strength in coextrusion processes between polyethylene and different materials (PA, EVOH …). Containing a higher amount of grafted reactive functionalities compared to standard LLDPE based coextrusion tie resins, it can be used blended with other polyolefins.

Obchodná značka: OrevacVýrobca: SK Functional PolymerTyp polyméru: EVA-gVýplň: NevyplnenéFormulár: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified


Density, Low




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Ultrapolymers. Všetky práva vyhradené. Člen skupiny Ravago