Adstif EA 648 P

O tomto výrobku

Adstif EA648P is a high crystalline impact copolymer with outstanding mechanical properties. The product features an easy processability, an excellent combination of stiffness and impact strength and good gloss. Adstif EA648P is a single component solution for high stiffness injection moulding applications that is typically used by customers as replacement of mineral filled polypropylene based compounds. This grade is typically used by customers in a wide range of appliances, such as housings for electrical appliances, furniture and technical components.
Adstif EA648P is UL listed under file E31765.

Suitable for ABS shareshifting due to the good balance of Modulus/Impact.

Obchodná značka: AdstifVýrobca: LYB LyondellBasellTyp polyméru: PP COPOVýplň: NevyplnenéFormulár: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified


Flow, Medium
Highly Crystalline
Impact Copolymer
Impact Resistance, Medium
Processability, Good
Stiffness, High




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Ultrapolymers. Všetky práva vyhradené. Člen skupiny Ravago