Marlex D139FJ

Informacje o tym produkcie

This metallocene linear low density polyethylene is an ethylene-hexene copolymer tailored for blown film applications that require:
• Superb clarity
• Excellent gloss
• Exceptional toughness
• Outstanding heat seal

The additive package consists of slip and the amount of slip content is adjusted to the levels commonly used in Europe (unlike the FK version where the slip levels are not meeting what the European customers are used to).

Typical blown film applications include:

• Seal layer in coextrusions
• Heavy duty packaging
• Clarity packaging

Nazwa handlowa: MarlexProducent: Chevron PhillipsRodzaj polimeru: LLDPEWypełniacz: NiewypełnionyForma: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified






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