Petrothene GA1820
Informacje o tym produkcie
The Petrothene GA1820 resin is a pelletized linear low density polyethylene selected by customers for
applications that require maximum strength and toughness. This product offers excellent additive homogeneity,
requires no transfer equipment modification, and facilitates clean and safe handling. Typical applications include
cast stretch film, blown stretch film, and high end film applications. The GA1820 resin offers enhanced film
strength, unitization holding force, drawdown, toughness, and heat seal strength.
Nazwa handlowa: PetrotheneProducent: LYB LyondellBasellRodzaj polimeru: LLDPE C6 HEXENEWypełniacz: NiewypełnionyForma: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified
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