Lupolen 4021 K RM
Informacje o tym produkcie
Lupolen 4021 K RM is a new generation hexene linear medium-density polyethylene for rotomolding. Typical customer applications include large tanks including agricultural and chemical storage containers and underground and infrastructure applications.
Lupolen 4021 K RM is a fully UV-stabilized and pelletized polymer. Tests have shown that this material is resisting against the harmful effect of biodiesel fuel.**
It is not intended for use in medical and pharmaceutical applications.
** Resistance is based on our latest patented technology
For powder grade please see UP203
Nazwa handlowa: LupolenProducent: LYB LyondellBasellRodzaj polimeru: HDPEWypełniacz: NiewypełnionyForma: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified
ESCR (Stress Crack Resist.), High
Hexene Comonomer
Low Temperature Impact Resistance
Processability, Good
UV Stabilized
Warpage, Low
Brak specyfikacji dla wybranego produktu
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