Lucalen A2910M
Informacje o tym produkcie
Lucalen A2910M is a natural adhesive low density polyethelene copolymer with a high thermal stability. Due to the acrylic acid/acrylate copolymer (E/A) content this grade offers excellent adhesion to polar materials (i.e. epoxy resin, steel, aluminium, etc.). It is design to be used by our customer in 2-layer anti corrosion coating as well as in wire & cable compounds. The material is available in pellet form.
Nazwa handlowa: LucalenProducent: LYB LyondellBasellRodzaj polimeru: EAAWypełniacz: NiewypełnionyForma: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified
Adhesion, Good
Heat Aging Resistant
Heat Resistance, High
Thermal Stability, Good
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