Purell GF 4750
Informacje o tym produkcie
Purell PE GF 4750 is a high density polyethylene with a good ESCR, containing antioxidants and delivered in pellet form. The grade is used by our customers for small blow mouldings for packaging of consumer goods, surfactants, detergents as well as pharmaceuticals.
Without exception, all potential activities for applications in the pharmaceutical, medical device, laboratory and diagnostics area must be discussed with the healthcare team first.
Nazwa handlowa: PurellProducent: LYB LyondellBasellRodzaj polimeru: HDPEWypełniacz: NiewypełnionyForma: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified
Density, High
ESCR (Stress Crack Resist.), High
Flow, Good
Sterilizable, Ethylene Oxide
Brak specyfikacji dla wybranego produktu
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