Cycoloy C1200HF
Over dit product
CYCOLOY C1200HF is the improved version of CYCOLOY C1200 and has been developed to provide enhanced productivity and surface appearance of the finished parts
Merk: CycoloyProducent: Sabic Innovative PlasticsPolymeertype: PC/ABSVulstof: OngevuldForm: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified
Surface Finish, Good
- | 601.00.0 |
- | WSK-M4D697-A1 |
- | WSK-M4D697-A2 |
- | WSK-M4D697-A3 |
- | WSK-M4D791-A3 |
- | WSS-M4D585-B |
- | WSS-M4D585-C1 |
- | GMP.ABS+PC.002 |
- | GMW15581P-ABS+PC-T3 |
- | QK 002413 |
- | QK 002423 |
- | Various |
- | Peugeot-Citroën SPA X62 |
- | VW-TL 52231 B |
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