Lustran E112LG
Over dit product
Lustran® E112LG resin is a low-gloss, medium-impact extrusion grade of ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene).
It has good melt strength for extrusion and thermoforming, and can be easily coextruded. It is easy to color with ABS color concentrates.
Low gloss
Medium impact
Ease of coloring
Good melt strength for extrusion and thermoforming
Easily coextruded
Motor vehicle dashboards
Interior panels and trim
Recreational vehicles, cars, trucks, construction vehicles, forklifts and farm equipment
Merk: LustranProducent: INEOS StyrolutionPolymeertype: ABSVulstof: OngevuldForm: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified
Colorability, Good
Gloss, Low
Impact Resistance, Medium
Melt Strength, Good
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