Terluran ECO GP-22 MR50
A termékről
Terluran® ECO GP-22 MR50 is a mechanical post consumer recycling (PCR) grade, with a PCR content of 50% in a standard black or dark grey color. It combines easy-flow, high impact resistance and heat distortion with high quality surface finish; intended for a wide range of applications and visible parts.
Medium flow
Good impact resistance
Good heat distortion resistance
High quality surface finish and gloss
Great mechanical strength and rigidity
Standard black or dark grey color
Injection molding
Appliance housings
Household and electronics appliances
Visible parts
Márka: Terluran ECOGyártó: INEOS StyrolutionMűanyag típus: ABSTöltőanyag: TöltetlenForma: GranulesSustainability: Mechanically Recycled - Post Consumer Recycled (PCR)
Flow, Medium
Gloss, High
Impact Resistance, Good
Műszaki adatok
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