Hostalen GX 5044
A termékről
Hostalen GX 5044 is a high density polyethylene with medium molar mass and special narrow molar mass distribution.This grade contains a lubricant.
Hostalen GX 5044 is an easy flowing polymer, which shows good processing performance on monofilament production lines.
Monofilaments made of Hostalen GX 5044 exhibit excellent tensile properties.
Typical customer applications are nets, geotextiles and protective netting in agriculture and building industry. It is used for monofilament applications requiring higher tenacity.
This product is not intended for use in medical and pharmaceutical applications.
Márka: HostalenGyártó: LYB LyondellBasellMűanyag típus: HDPETöltőanyag: TöltetlenForma: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified
Flow, Good
Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution
Processability, Good
Műszaki adatok
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