Hostacom TRC 787N E1 G14008
A termékről
Hostacom TRC 787N E1 is a 20% talc filled PP copolymer, with high melt flow rate, good impact/stiffness balance and good scratch resistance. It has been designed using the latest advancements in resin synthesis and compounding technology. This grade is delivered in customer customized colors, this Data Sheet is giving general properties, some of them may be slightly altered upon color selected.
G14008 refers to GRAY 808 new NERO 831
Brand: HostacomProducer: LYB LyondellBasellPolymer Type: PP MFFiller: 20% TalcQuality: IndustrialForm: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified
Flow, High
Impact Resistance, Good
Scratch Resistance, Good
Stiffness, High
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