Terluran ECO GP 22 MR70
A termékről
Terluran® ECO GP-22 MR70 is a mechanical post consumer recycling (PCR) grade, with a PCR content of 70% in a standard black or dark grey color. It combines easy-flow, high impact resistance and heat distortion with high quality surface finish; intended for a wide range of applications and visible parts.
- Medium flow
- Good impact resistance
- Good heat distortion resistance
- High quality surface finish and gloss
- Great mechanical strength and rigidity
- Standard black or dark grey color
- Injection molding
- Appliance housings
- Household and electronics appliances
- Visible parts
Márka: Terluran ECOGyártó: INEOS StyrolutionMűanyag típus: ABSTöltőanyag: TöltetlenForma: GranulesSustainability: Mechanically Recycled - Post Consumer Recycled (PCR)
Flow, Medium
Gloss, High
Heat Resistance, Good
Impact Resistance, Good
Renewable Resource Content
Rigidity, High
Strength, Good
Surface Finish, Good
Műszaki adatok
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