Hostalen ACP 7740 F2
A termékről
Hostalen ACP 7740 F2 is a high density polyethylene having medium molar mass and a narrow molar mass distribution for production of tapes.
Hostalen ACP 7740 F2 is appreciated by customers for converting on all tape stretching and film stretching lines to produce products with high tensile strength, high elongation at break and low tendency to fibrillation.
Typical customer applications: protective netting in agriculture and building industry, slit film & tapes, round bale nets.
This product is not intended for use in medical and pharmaceutical applications.
Brand: HostalenProducer: LYB LyondellBasellPolymer Type: HDPEFiller: UnfilledQuality: PrimeForm: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified
Elongation, High
Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution
Tensile Strength, High
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