Purell RP 315 M
A termékről
Purell RP315M is a medium modified random copolymer suitable for injection molding and film applications. It contains slip and anti-blocking agents.
Purell RP315M is typically used by customers in healthcare applications.
Without exception, all potential activities for applications in the pharmaceutical, medical device, laboratory and diagnostics area must be discussed with the healthcare team first.
Brand: PurellProducer: LYB LyondellBasellPolymer Type: PP RACOFiller: UnfilledQuality: PrimeForm: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified
Clarity, Medium
Food Contact Acceptable
Gloss, High
Optical Properties, Good
Random Copolymer
Sterilizable, Autoclave
Sterilizable, Ethylene Oxide
Műszaki adatok
A termékhez nem található specifikáció
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