Arlanxeo BR Buna CB 22
A termékről
Buna CB 22 is a high-cis neodymium catalysed butadiene rubber (BR). It is a highly linear polymer and has high mooney viscosity and is non-oil extended.
Monney visc = 63
High-cis BR presents a polymeric structure that enables remarkable improvements in the performance of rubber vulcanizates
Arlanxeo BR catalysed by neodymium have a high 1,4-cis content combined with higher 1,2-vinyl content and a broader molecular weight distribution with an increased degree of branching that allows easy processing during the production of high quality rubber goods.
Márka: Arlanxeo BRGyártó: ArlanxeoMűanyag típus: BR H CISTöltőanyag: TöltetlenForma: BalesSustainability: Not Classified
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