Petrothene GA1810

A termékről

Petrothene GA1810 is a series of pelletized linear low density polyethylene resins selected by customers for
applications that require maximum strength and toughness. These products offer excellent additive homogeneity,
require no transfer equipment modification, and facilitate clean and safe handling. Typical applications include
heavy duty shipping sacks, trash can liners, commercial and industrial packaging, as well as food and consumer
packaging. The Petrothene GA1810 series offers enhanced film strength, drawdown, toughness and heat seal
strength. In addition, these resins have excellent low temperature resistance for applications such as stretch film
and frozen food packaging.

Márka: PetrotheneGyártó: LYB LyondellBasellMűanyag típus: LLDPE C6 HEXENETöltőanyag: TöltetlenForma: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified




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