Hifax TYC 1152P E C12719
A termékről
Hifax TYC 1152P C12719 (YZ9A BLACK) very high melt flow, 2,000 MPa flexural modulus, low density mineral filled, thermoplastic elastomeric olefin (TEO) resin. Enables part weight reduction and associated savings while maintaining all of the performance of traditional, higher density products. It has an excellent balance of properties and processability, and is typically used for automotive bumper fascias and exterior trim applications.
Brand: HifaxProducer: LYB LyondellBasellPolymer Type: PP CompoundsFiller: UnfilledQuality: PrimeForm: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified
Density, Low
Dimensional Stability, Good
Flow, High
Impact Resistance, High
Processability, Good
Shrinkage, Low
Stiffness, High
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