Lucalen A2700H
A termékről
Lucalen A2700H is a low density polyethylene, containing butyl acrylate comonomer.
It exhibits low stiffness, low hardness and good impact properties at low temperature.
Lucalen A2700H is suitable for industrial applications where a combination of good processability and excellent softness is required.
It is compatible with other Lucalen grades and is miscible with other ethylene copolymers, PE-LD, PE-HD and PE-LLD.
The grade is available in natural pellet form.
This grade is not intended for use in medical or pharmaceutical applications.
Márka: LucalenGyártó: LYB LyondellBasellMűanyag típus: EAATöltőanyag: TöltetlenForma: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified
Adhesion, Good
Chemical Resistant
Colorability, Good
ESCR (Stress Crack Resist.), High
Flexibility, Good
Impact Resistance, High
Low Temperature Flexibility
Low Temperature Impact Resistance
Optical Properties, Good
Processability, Good
Műszaki adatok
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