Arlanxeo SBR Buna SE 1502 L

A termékről

Buna SE 1502 L is a butadiene-styrene copolymer, produced by cold emulsion polimerisation, using fatty and rosin soaps as emulsifiers. The monomers are randomly distributed in the polymer structure, while the butadiene fraction is found in its major part in the trans configuration with the small fractions of the cis and vinyl configurations.

The rubber is protected by a non-straining stabiliser.

Mooney Viscosity 49
Bound styrene 23.5%

Packaging - Rubber bales wrapped in PE foil

Márka: Arlanxeo SBRGyártó: ArlanxeoMűanyag típus: eSBRTöltőanyag: TöltetlenForma: BalesSustainability: Not Classified




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Ultrapolymers. Minden jog fenntartva. A Ravago csoport tagja