Hifax EPR 60/M
A termékről
Hifax EPR 60/M BIANCO, extrusion grade, is a white coloured adhesive polypropylene copolymer suitable for
high temperature operating pipeline.
Due to the polar groups grafted to the polymer backbone, this grade offers excellent adhesion to polar materials
(i.e. epoxy resin, steel, etc.)
The material is available in powder form.
The particle size distribution is mainly in the 90-500 micron range.
Márka: HifaxGyártó: LYB LyondellBasellMűanyag típus: PP CompoundsTöltőanyag: TöltetlenForma: PowderSustainability: Not Classified
Adhesion, Good
Impact Resistance, High
Thermal Stability, Good
Műszaki adatok
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