Styrolux ECO S B60
A termékről
Styrolux® ECO S B60 is a clear styrene-butadiene copolymer (SBC) designed specifically for blending with Styrolux ECO T B60 in order to enable high performance film extrusion and shrink film applications. As Styrolux ECO S B60 is blended with Styrolux ECO T B60 it increases the stiffness of the film and improves the storage stability of film reels (reduced natural shrinkage). Styrolux ECO S B60 is an ISCC compliant product leading to a 100% substitution of fossil source styrene with ISCC certified bio-attributed styrene.
- Excellent clarity
- High stiffness
- Very low gel content
- Blend component for Styrolux ECO T B60
- Shrink sleeve applications
- Label film
Márka: Styrolux ECOGyártó: INEOS StyrolutionMűanyag típus: SBCTöltőanyag: TöltetlenForma: GranulesSustainability: Bio-Based - Bio Attributed
Block Copolymer
Clarity, High
Gel, Low
Renewable Resource Content
Stiffness, High
Műszaki adatok
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