Luran S Med 797S SPF30

Über dieses Produkt

Luran® S acrylonitrile styrene acrylate (ASA) polymers feature high surface quality and good impact strength including enhanced colour fastness. The products deliver excellent environment stress cracking resistance (ESCR) and superior long-term performance when exposed to UV irradiation. Luran® S MED 797S is an injection moulding grade especially designed for small medical housings. Featuring:
Excellent chemical resistance against alcohols (IPA, EtOH, Propanol or similar) or alcohol-based disinfectants​
Good resistance against quaternary ammonium or glutaral based disinfectants​
Good processability​
Excellent UV resistance​
High impact resistance at room temperature and 5°C​
Regulatory compliant (ISO 10993-5/10)​
Notification of Change of 12 months (* with a signed sales contract)

Markenname: Luran S MedProduzent: INEOS StyrolutionPolymer-Typ: ASAAdditive: UngefülltForm: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified


Chemical Resistant
ESCR (Stress Crack Resist.), High
Excellent Processability
Impact Resistance, High
UV Resistant




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Ultrapolymers Group Bulgaria Ltd

12, Obelsko Shosse str. Orkikem Building 

1360 Sofia


Ultrapolymers. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Mitglied der Ravago-Gruppe