Ravago Petrokimya

Ensoft SX-161-90A-T2-000

TPS - 0% Mineral

This polyolefin based thermoplastic elastomer (SEBS) compound is high mineral filled, completely recyclable and suitable for general purpose applications. ENSOFT® series can be processed with conventional thermoplastics machinery

Additive Packages :
T / Heat and UV stabilizer

Key Features :
Excellent ozone, UV and weathering resistance
Rubberlike elasticity in a wide temperature range
Super high flow for difficult injection molding applications
Easy colorability with proper MB (PE, PP, etc. based)

Process Method :
Injection/multi injection molding

Uses :
Industrial applications, automotive, personal care, toys, consumer goods, home&kitchen appliances

Značka Ensoft
VýrobceRavago Petrokimya
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