Lupolen 3621 M RM

O tomto produktu

Lupolen 3621 M RM is a new generation hexene linear medium-density polyethylene for rotational molding. Typical customer applications include agricultural and chemical storage containers, technical parts and automotive parts. This product exhibits excellent ESCR and high impact strength at low temperatures. Lupolen 3621 M RM is a fully UV-stabilized and pelletized polymer. Tests have shown that this material is resisting against the harmful effect of biodiesel fuel.**

It is not intended for use in medical and pharmaceutical applications.

** Resistance is based on our latest patented technology

For powder please see UP204

Značka: LupolenVýrobce: LYB LyondellBasellTyp polymeru: LLDPE C6 HEXENEPlnivo: Bez plnivaForma: GranulesSustainability: Not Classified


ESCR (Stress Crack Resist.), High
Fuel Resistant
Hexene Comonomer
Impact Resistance, High
Low Temperature Impact Resistance
Processability, Good
UV Stabilized
Warpage, Low




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