Информация за марката

The Beobase family of compounds offer a total solution for a new generation of bio-based materials with a matching look and feel. Beobase compounds are obtained by adding bio-based fibres to a fossil polymer or by replacing fossil-based polymers with bio-based ones. Fillers include wood or other fibrous plant material.

Производители: BeologicПолимерна група: PEПолимерна група/тип(и): PE(unspecified) • ASA • PP • PP Compounds

Предлага се в

Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenija, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Kosovo, Kazakhstan

Beobase продукти

1 продукт(и), намерен(и) в Beobase
Рециклирано съдържание
Група и тип полимериPP (PP)
Пълнител25% Wood Fiber
ФункцииFood Contact Acceptable • Stiffness, High


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